As, s.r.o. we have been operating on the packaging material market since 2002 and we have grown from a small family business to a company with more than 80 employees.

We are convinced that with several years of our experience, we can guarantee the quality of products and services for our customers.

Our goal is to produce quality packaging as a natural part that completes the protective and presentational forms of the packaged product, which helps our customers to position, and make their packaged products more visible and thus help them in the competition.

As, s.r.o. we have been operating on the packaging material market since 2002 and we have grown from a small family business to a company with more than 80 employees.

We are convinced that with several years of our experience, we can guarantee the quality of products and services for our customers.

Our goal is to produce quality packaging as a natural part that completes the protective and presentational forms of the packaged product, which helps our customers to position, and make their packaged products more visible and thus help them in the competition.

What means

K – a brand of quality and customer satisfaction
a typical production according to customer requirements
r growth, prosperity, improvement, and stability in the market
t lasting job security for the region
o we see packaging as part of the product
n the integral priority for the company is building trust
s ocial and support activities in the social, educational, and sporting fields
k the quality of production processes and the setting of ecological rules according to ISO

What means

K – a brand of quality and customer satisfaction
a typical production according to customer requirements
r growth, prosperity, improvement, and stability in the market
t lasting job security for the region
o we see packaging as part of the product
n the integral priority for the company is building trust
s ocial and support activities in the social, educational, and sporting fields
k the quality of production processes and the setting of ecological rules according to ISO


Sheltered workshop – a social enterprise

Do not you employ people with reduced working ability?

Take advantage of the possibility of substitute settlement by purchasing the products and services in our sheltered workshop.

The company is one of the leading Slovak producers in the field of cardboard packaging. A wide range and quality of products are the very criteria that often decide on saving money when dealing with packaging material supplies.

Do not you employ people with reduced working ability?

Take advantage of the possibility of substitute settlement by purchasing the products and services in our sheltered workshop.

The company is one of the leading Slovak producers in the field of cardboard packaging. A wide range and quality of products are the very criteria that often decide on saving money when dealing with packaging material supplies.

A product of a sheltered workshop is a product that has been predominantly created by the activities of a sheltered workshop or has been significantly altered in form, purpose, or function.

By purchasing packaging material from our company, you can save overall operating costs, you are giving work to people in Slovakia and you are also giving work to people with reduced working ability.

We provide 100% substitute settlement on all products we manufacture and sell.

Substitute settlement and its advantages.

If your company does not employ a sufficient number of people with reduced working ability, by contracting a sheltered workshop you do not have to pay the levy for non-compliance with the compulsory proportion of employment of people with disabilities!

What, then, is a substitute settlement?

It is essentially the award of a contract for the purpose of fulfilling the mandatory proportion of employment of people with disabilities. Private companies, the state administration, and local government, all those who employ at least 20 employees, thus fulfilling their legal obligation under Act No 5/2004 Coll. on Employment Services, as amended, and must employ 3.2% of disabled people out of the total average number of employees, may use the substitute settlement.

This is calculated as 3.2% of the total number of employees, the figure is rounded off mathematically. For example, if you have 90 employees x 3.2% = 2.88, you should be employing 2.88, i.e., 3 employees with disabilities, but you are employing one. So, either you pay a levy for 2 employees or you use the substitute settlement.

For each employee so missing, the company must pay a levy to the state and the authorities impose a fine on the employer, entity, or organization for violating the regulations and obligations under the Act.

Compensation cannot be applied retrospectively, but only in the calendar year of application, so we would recommend using our services throughout the year. A receipt is always issued at the beginning of a new calendar year for the previous year of use of sheltered workshop services.

The amount of the fee for not employing people with reduced working ability and the amount of the compensation is changed annually, as they are based on the average wage in the national economy for the previous period.

The amount to be paid as a fee for the non-employment of a person with reduced working ability is 1 423€ (you will pay to the state until 30.3.2023 for the year 2022), this amount is for 1 missing employee with a disability.

Therefore, contract our sheltered workshop for €1,265 and save €1,423 for each person with a disability that you do not compulsorily employ in your company. What’s more, you will get products or services that you can actually use, compared to the more expensive state levy, which brings you nothing.

Sheltered workshop – a social enterprise

Do not you employ people with reduced working ability?

Take advantage of the possibility of substitute settlement by purchasing the products and services in our sheltered workshop.

The company is one of the leading Slovak producers in the field of cardboard packaging. A wide range and quality of products are the very criteria that often decide on saving money when dealing with packaging material supplies.

Do not you employ people with reduced working ability?

Take advantage of the possibility of substitute settlement by purchasing the products and services in our sheltered workshop.

The company is one of the leading Slovak producers in the field of cardboard packaging. A wide range and quality of products are the very criteria that often decide on saving money when dealing with packaging material supplies.

A product of a sheltered workshop is a product that has been predominantly created by the activities of a sheltered workshop or has been significantly altered in form, purpose, or function.

By purchasing packaging material from our company, you can save overall operating costs, you are giving work to people in Slovakia and you are also giving work to people with reduced working ability.

We provide 100% substitute settlement on all products we manufacture and sell.

Substitute settlement and its advantages.

If your company does not employ a sufficient number of people with reduced working ability, by contracting a sheltered workshop you do not have to pay the levy for non-compliance with the compulsory proportion of employment of people with disabilities!

What, then, is a substitute settlement?

It is essentially the award of a contract for the purpose of fulfilling the mandatory proportion of employment of people with disabilities. Private companies, the state administration, and local government, all those who employ at least 20 employees, thus fulfilling their legal obligation under Act No 5/2004 Coll. on Employment Services, as amended, and must employ 3.2% of disabled people out of the total average number of employees, may use the substitute settlement.

This is calculated as 3.2% of the total number of employees, the figure is rounded off mathematically. For example, if you have 90 employees x 3.2% = 2.88, you should be employing 2.88, i.e., 3 employees with disabilities, but you are employing one. So, either you pay a levy for 2 employees or you use the substitute settlement.

For each employee so missing, the company must pay a levy to the state and the authorities impose a fine on the employer, entity, or organization for violating the regulations and obligations under the Act.

Compensation cannot be applied retrospectively, but only in the calendar year of application, so we would recommend using our services throughout the year. A receipt is always issued at the beginning of a new calendar year for the previous year of use of sheltered workshop services.

The amount of the fee for not employing people with reduced working ability and the amount of the compensation is changed annually, as they are based on the average wage in the national economy for the previous period.

The amount to be paid as a fee for the non-employment of a person with reduced working ability is 1 423€ (you will pay to the state until 30.3.2023 for the year 2022), this amount is for 1 missing employee with a disability.

Therefore, contract our sheltered workshop for €1,265 and save €1,423 for each person with a disability that you do not compulsorily employ in your company. What’s more, you will get products or services that you can actually use, compared to the more expensive state levy, which brings you nothing.

We develop support activities in the cultural, social, school, and sports fields

  • Assistance to schools in developing children’s skills by creating from paper.
  • Support of cultural, social events and sponsorship of sports clubs, sports events
  • Material support to schools in the process of teaching, in organizing sports, and cultural events within the territorial scope of

We develop support activities in the cultural, social, school, and sports fields

  • Assistance to schools in developing children’s skills by creating from paper.
  • Support of cultural, social events and sponsorship of sports clubs, sports events
  • Material support to schools in the process of teaching, in organizing sports, and cultural events within the territorial scope of